Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Random Hacks of Kindness - Exeter 1/2 December 2012

This year my blog seems to have turned into a Met Office hackathon noticeboard.   I'll have to make a real effort to get a better mix of stuff here next year as I never subscribed to the view that blogs should have a narrow scope -  unless your life is that way.

So the last Met Office hackathon of the year will be supporting the Random Hacks of Kindness global hackathon on 1st and 2nd December.   If all goes well, and we're all doing our best to ensure it does, then this will be much more than just offering a place for altruistic coders to come a do their thing for good causes, but also an occasion on when things will happen that might not have happened otherwise.  Broken things are fixed, new tools are forged and new friendships made.

If you're able to spend the weekend in Exeter and want to join us, please sign up here -

If you can't get to Exeter.  Wrong continent perhaps?  Then do look on for somewhere nearer.

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