Saturday, October 13, 2007


Today I received the latest mailing from the OUBS (Open University Business School) which listed various seminars that are supposed to help me keep my business knowledge up to date - it's a few years now since I took various courses leading to an MBA. Perhaps because yesterday was my last day managing a team, well as a full time job, I glanced through the list with a less than serious frame of mind and wondered if these events would be of any use to me other than perhaps as fodder for a history of management fads.

This set me wondering if anyone actually took the trouble to study management fads, and a bit of googling led me to

Perhaps at present such research is best left to the professional cynics such as the gifted Scott Adams.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahaha, psychoceramics!!! I like this posting. I´ll see you tomorrow. Alberto